New features 1.Accuracy increased 5 times than previous model 2.High stability weighing sensor 3.Auto-weighing function 4.Powder Density, which improves working efficiency and accuracy. Electronic Densimeter MDS series consist of 2 models, MDS-300 upgraded from previous model MD-300S, and MDS-3000 with maximum capacity up to 3kg. Real physical manuals have always been a personal preference. Here is your opportunity to acquire an original equipment manual set for your test equipment files. Electronic Densimeter MD-200S Instruction Manual Here is your chance to get an original manual for your equipment at a fraction of the cost!. Electronic densimeter md-300s user manual for Mac's easy-to-use The Electronic Densimeter 21-21-10 provides a highly accurate calculation of specific gravity of almost any ob- ject of any shape. During testing, the application performed as intended and no problems were encountered. Specification Option License agreement Downloads Manual. Example of data: Density, weight in air, weight in water, volume, set water temperature, date etc. Singer combi grill microwave oven user manual instructions. SpGrav- Densimeter data output software - ・Measurement result can be output to PC.